Hannah at work with me that day, eyeing the Chic-fil-a sandwich on my desk |
The next morning I called my vet, Pharr Road Animal Hospital, and got her in the same day for an appointment. Luckily I am allowed to occasionally bring my dogs with me to work - and had brought Hannah with me that day.
.So the vet took one look in her mouth - and said "hrrrmmm" and everything changed from that moment.
The vet asked me about symptoms, bleeding, discomfort - and I said there were none. She told me that with an abscess, I would probably see some of those symptoms, and that this might be Melanoma.
Hannah with her brother Wyatt, who "found" the cancer |
So Hannah HATES going to the vet. She will dive in the ocean off St Simons Island after a dead "something" floating in the water, kill mice in one bite that fall out of live traps onto our feet, but turns into a shaking mess when she goes to the vet.
A few years ago when she was about 12 I took her to Stone Mountain Park. She was running after a ball so hard she broke her toe. I did leave her at the vet for awhile on her own that time when they splinted it...
Anyway - so I am in the exam room hearing the words "melanoma", "biopsy", and was totally unprepared. I think if she would have had a lump or bump anywhere on her body besides her mouth - I would have been more wary. Hannah hasn't exactly been easy on her mouth. Her teeth are flat like a hippo because until she was about 9 years old, she was never without a tennis ball in her mouth. So I thought yeah - another bumped tooth and an absess - what a PAIN. But never thought cancer.